Zoë plays Charlie, the mother-in-law of recently widowed detective Jim Bergerac, in this reimagining of the classic 80s drama set in Jersey. The six-part series will be shown on U&DRAMA in early 2025.
Zoë plays Baghra, a stern teacher, in this major new fantasy series based on Leigh Bardugo’s bestselling Grishaverse novels. Series one and two are streaming now on Netflix.
Zoë plays the fragile mother of a young detective reinvestigating an old murder case in this crime drama series currently streaming on Apple TV+.
20 years of zoewanamaker.com
29 July 2022 20:47
Can't quite believe I'm writing this, but on 30 July 2022 zoewanamaker.com, the official website for Zoë Wanamaker fans, turns 20. TWENTY! On the eve of that mind-bending milestone anniversary, I've come to sit in the same room where it all began all those years ago and do what I've been doing for more than half my life: update the site.
For a previous anniversary, I wrote about the history of this website; how it grew from a small project on Geocities (remember them?!) to a weightier endeavour with its very own domain name. Looking back, I'm surprised how much I found to say about the site's history - more than most people will have the patience to read, I'm sure! But feel free to dip in and out of the article if you're curious.
20 years of fans and friendships
My original plan for celebrating zoewanamaker.com's 20th anniversary was fairly light-hearted. I envisaged asking 20 fans what they most enjoyed about Zoë's work or what single word best summed it up. Sadly, I discovered that one of the fans whose opinions I was most keen to include here, and who wasn't much older than me (I'm in my 30s), had passed away in the spring. Suddenly, the idea of approaching 20 people didn't appeal anymore. I miss her - a kind, astonishingly talented soul - very much. I can feel the tears as I type.
Reflecting on her loss - the unfairness and sadness of it all - and the great impression she made on me, I realised what the website truly means. It's not simply a handy addition to my CV or a talking point in social situations. More than anything, it represents connection and friendship.
You see, the website was originally the product of not only my own work but also contributions here and there from several fans I knew in the early 2000s. Managing the site has brought me into contact with numerous other fans, some of which have become friends. I'm thinking of Janet, Karoline, Rachel, Harry, Bethan, Sally and Adam in particular (and apologies to anyone I've accidentally missed out). I'm also thinking, of course, of the friend I've lost.
Incredibly grateful to Zoë and her PA
The website is also the reason I've been fortunate enough to get to know Zoë's lovely PA, Vanessa, who has a really strong work ethic and is full of good sense. She is a fantastic friend and undoubtedly one of the best people to ask for advice about absolutely anything from the workings of the acting industry to how to stay positive in lockdown.
It's also thanks to the website that I've got to know Zoë and her husband, Gawn Grainger, a little. I won't claim to be their friend; I'm just a fan. But I think they're both witty, wonderful and wise - wise about the human soul and heart in a way that I believe only actors (who, of course, spend much of their time learning what makes people - and characters - tick) can be.
Huge thanks also to my mum, dad and brother for their support.
Keep on keeping on...
As the website embarks on its 20s, I find there's still so much I'd like to do with it (and so much that needs re-doing too!). So I'd better stop talking and get on with it!
Most images used on this site are the copyright of their photographer, Ms. Wanamaker, and/or the production company of the show. Use of these images is covered under the fair use limitation in the USA, and the fair dealing limitaton in the UK.
This site is a non-commercial endeavour.
Tweets by Zoë & her PA Vanesssa.
Website tweets.
Clippings, screencaps, and fun.
Your comments are appreciated.